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Brainsqueezed is an alternative/prog rock musical project created by Sébastien Laloue in the mid-90s.


Brainsqueezed first album "Scarred" was released in 2019.


In 2020, Sébastien moved to Australia, which gave him a new source of inspiration to write the new album: "I am not a robot", released in 2021.

Album (2021) 
Click on image to listen

"Those who choose to go beyond the norm most definitely are the one’s who make a big leap and leave a mark on the music industry. This album does that. It is so different that its uniqueness makes it desired."


"Though the Pink Floyd influence is pervasive throughout the album, it never feels contrived. This is music that has descended from one of the greatest pieces of music in our lifetimes."


"I Am Not a Robot is, simply put, one of the best prog-rock/alt-rock albums of the year. Sébastien Laloue has it going on!"

Album (2019) 
Click on image to listen

"Scarred sends delicious sensations rippling through listeners’ diaphragms, as mighty washes of progressive/alt-rock tear through the atmosphere. Scarred is a grandly eloquent and formidable album."


"The way Scarred moves between progressive and alternative rock is impressive, only heightened for its penchant to occasionally slow things down and try something new. "


The sound itself should easily find a home with both 70s prog and 90s alt rock fans.


©2022 Brainsqueezed.

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